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Meetings: 2nd Tuesday even numbered months


2024: 13 Feb, 9 Apr, 11 Jun, 13 Aug, 8 Oct, 10 Dec
Our venue is The Aviator’s Restaurant inside Sacramento Executive Airport, 6151 Freeport Blvd. Doors open at 11:00 a.m. with buffet service beginning at 11:30.


8 October: We’re Talking Politics

Steve Swatt

VBL’s October meeting is traditionally devoted to politics during an election year, and this year’s presidential race promises to be one for the record books.

Veteran political analyst and VBL member Steve Swatt will once again grace our stage as he has for numerous past hit pre-election programs. In 1979, he became KCRA’s Capitol and political correspondent reporting on every major ballot proposition, issues in the state legislature, as well as state and national elections. This included exclusive interviews with presidential nominees during a twelve year period and every California governor. After leaving KCRA, Steve worked as a public affairs executive, providing strategic media relations and political counsel. He is the author of two acclaimed books on California political history, Game Changers: Twelve Elections that Transformed California and Paving the Way: Women’s Struggle for Political Equality in California.

Our October political presentations have always been lively and informative, and this year’s is sure to deliver. That’s Tuesday, October 8, at Aviator’s Executive Airport. Doors open at 11:00 a.m., with buffet lunch service starting at 11:30. As always, RSVPs are a must.

--Copy by Joyce Kriegl  
last edited
6 Oct. 2024