Professional broadcaster for 40 years. Over 29 at KXTV News10 Sacramento.
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Work chronology:
1958-60 KCOL Radio, Ft. Collins, CO, Announcer, DeeJay, Newscaster
60-62 KCHY Radio, Cheyenne, WY " " "
62-66 KEST, Boise, ID and Program Director for Pacific Adult
Radio Network stations in Salem, Eugene & Medford, OR
65-69 KTVB-TV, Boise, ID. News anchor, editor, talkshow host,
reporter, news photographer
69-98 KXTV-TV (News10), Sacramento. Anchored all major newscasts
and author "Cable's Comment" 1978-96. Spokesperson and
community activist for News10's "For Kids' Sake" campaign
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Community Service:
Child Abuse Prevention Council of Sacramento - board & exec. comm
(past member)
United Way of Sacramento - past board member
Community Services Planning Council - past board member
Community Alcoholism Rehabilitation Effort (CARE) - past board member
and president
Juvenile Service Council - Volunteers in Probation - past member

Honors include:
1968 - Outstanding Young Man of the Year (Boise ID Jaycees)
1973 - Emmy (NATAS NorCal) "Eye on Alcoholism" (focusing on
female alcoholics)
1988 - Best News Series award, California School Boards Assoc. "Dropouts:
We All Pay The Price"
1990 - Named Best Sacramento News Anchor by Sacramento Magazine
1990 and 1991 - Best Commentary awards by Society of Professional Journalists
1993 - United Way Sacramento - Distinguished Community Service Award
1999 - National Society of Fundraising Executives - Distinguished
Service Award - Lifetime Commitment to Community and Philanthropy
1999 - Sacramento Arthritis Foundation - Citizen of the Year
1999 - Emceed surprise gathering at Sac State for late Congressman
Robert Matsui marking his 20th year in the House. Over 750 attended. president
Clinto and VP Gore phoned in.
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Graduate Baldwin High School, Baldwin L.I., New York 1954
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore ('54-55 (pre-med)
University of Md, Munich Germany branch "55-56 (lib arts)
Graduate NorthEast School of Broadcasting, Boston, Mass '58
UC Davis, Rhetoric Dept - taught lecture course TV news/writing '70s
Personal: Born Richard Arnold Cable, 6-23-36 New Rochelle, NY
Married to Berta Gonzales since 1977. 5 children by previous marriage