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Ron Middlekauff (Copy by Ron Middlekauff)

2009 marked the 30th Anniversary milestone for me at
KCRA-TV in Sacramento, California...

These are just some of the highlights from 1979 to 2009:

3 Time EMMY® Award Nominee

Have met every US President from Ford to George W. Bush
Been to the White House & Inside the Oval Office.
Flown on "Air Force One" with President Clinton in 1993

Flown aboard the Good Year Blimp

Covered Pope John Paul on his California visit in 1988

Rom Middlekauff

Rom Middlekauff

Covered the Queen of England's Sacramento visit in 1984

Covered the 1988 Space Shuttle "Discovery" Launch & Landing

Covered a Super Bowl & World Series

Covered US Military action in Haiti in 1994

Appeared on "Oprah" in March 1997

Appeared in "People Magazine", "Readers Digest" & other forms of National Media in 1997

Honored for helping Rescue Rodeo the dog off a roof in the 1997 floods.

last edited 16 Apr 2011